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4x1 Coaching Program ( Beta )


Breathwork ( 1 )
Meditation ( 2 )
Book Study ( 3 )
Goal Setting ( 4 )
Lifestyle Awareness ( 5 )
Group Sharing ( 6 )


Supported by:


Group and Individual Coaching Experience led by Ryan Willms over a one month period, including 4 Weekly 2hr calls and 1 1-on-1 1hr call. The group will dive into breathwork, meditation, book study, lifestyle awareness, goal setting and sharing, aiming to create a deeper connection to Self and other, guide purpose and clarity in whatever your goals are in a unique integration of group and individual work.

This is the first cohort of the 4X1 Coaching Program and will start the first week of October 2022 with a limit of 8 spaces available. It’s meant for those looking for a deep intimate and safe space to grow, explore and be vulnerable, while getting specific attention to help with your self awareness, healing and purpose in life.

Email to apply by September 28th

Each participant will receive a 1-year subscription to the Open App

1 Month
4x Weekly 2hr Call
1x 1-on-1 1hr Call
$500 Beta Program Price
8 Participants (max)

13 July

Cycling Retreat